What is a Photography Park?

What is a Photography Park?

September 16, 2021By Don BrownThe Photography Park

It’s simple — it’s whatever we make it. There isn’t a park dedicated to photography so we will literally be creating the first one. But to more directly answer the question, let’s start with the most basic of items. The best outdoor photographs are made when the light is best. Great light makes for great … Read More

Check the Big Box

Check the Big Box

July 26, 2016By Don BrownThe Photography Park No Comments

It is done. After innumerable delays – some of them comical and all of them frustrating – the paperwork for the Photography Park, Inc. to qualify as a tax exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code has been filed. Check the Big Box. Remembering that this is part of our mission … Read More

Five-Dollar Sunrise

Five-Dollar Sunrise

April 18, 2016By Don BrownThe Photography Park No Comments

My wife and I took a trip to Huntsville to visit some friends. I thought you might be interested to see how a trip like this works for somebody with a photography habit. I’ve never found a good way to scout a sunrise location from afar. I’ll go to Flickr and search the map for … Read More

Update March 4, 2016

Update March 4, 2016

March 8, 2016By Don BrownThe Photography Park No Comments

In February, I set up separate appointments with the County Manager and with the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners in Pike County, the county where I live in Georgia.  I spent about an hour with each, laying out my idea for a Photography Park.  They were both polite, attentive and — as you can … Read More

Car (Photography) Park

March 8, 2016By Don BrownThe Photography Park No Comments

This is not exactly what I had in mind for a Photography Park, but when you see a photographer come across the country to photograph the places — and others come halfway around the world — it gives you and idea about the possibilities of a place built for photographers. View More: U.S. News|Live News|More … Read More

What’s the Holdup?

January 1, 2016By Don BrownThe Photography Park No Comments

You may have noticed that it’s been quiet on this site for quite some time.  I’m not happy about that.  You may have also read this tidbit from our mission statement: “To publicly document the creation process in order to assist others in creating additional parks.” Documenting publicly isn’t hard to do when things are … Read More

A Model Park

A Model Park

October 5, 2015By Don BrownCase Studies, News, The Photography Park No Comments

This summer, it was my good fortune to drive all the way from Georgia to Maine on vacation.  I was able to take my time and, along the way, I stopped in as many parks as my wife’s patience would allow.  When you’re thinking of building a park — especially a Photography Park — your … Read More